Plant Physiology
General Plant Physiology catalog
General Plant Physiology catalog
Gas Exchange
- Photosynthetic measurement: CO2, H2O, ... based on infrared Gas Analysis Systems (IRGA).
- Laboratory or fully portable field version, Integral cuvette air supply with CO2, H2O, light and temperature adjustment.
- Wide range of cuvettes, both in shape and form
Light Measurements
- Wide range of sensors for many types of applications
- Studies of vegetation productivity & stress.
Water Relation
- Sap Flow Measurement
- Porometer
- Plant Moisture stress.
Soil Water measurements
- Soil Moisture Content measurement
- Techniques used: Trime TDR - Frequency domain (FD)
- Soil Water Potential: tensiometers
Chlorophyll fluorescence measurement systems
- Pulse modulated chlorophyll fluorescence or not
- Chlorophyll Fluorescence to analyse plant stress
- Suitable for laboratory and field measurement, Built-in data/graphics display.
Image Analysis
- Black-and-white or Colour Image analysis system, portable or PC version, run under Windows
- Using video camera or scanner.
- Application in leaf area, root length, leaf damage measurement, root tip counting, particle
- Distribution, .....
Oxygen measurement
- Liquid or gas phase - using Clarck electrodes.